"Aku move on"
Aku pandang sebelah kanan. Mamat ni boleh tahan otai. Ketuanan Melayu masih tak pudar. Dah empat tahun aku kenal, macam ni jugak tak berubah. Elok je dah bertunang. Satu pencapaian.
Aih bumi Colorado seringkali menjadi lubuk nasihat terbaik untuk aku. Kali pertama sampai sana, inche Spielberg in-the-making beri motivasi dan nasihat untuk bangkit semula setelah hati ditikam. Sedih tahu. Tapi sekarang happy dah. Apakah. Okay bukanlah
Kali kedua, lagi sekali tanah OneRepublic itu memberi nasihat. Kali ini topiknya tentang persahabatan. Soalan ditanya adalah "kau takde bespren ke?". Retorik. Mamat tu hipster Melayu sejati, masakan dia ada bespren. Well, definisi bespren di sini adalah kawan macam belangkas. Ke hulu hilir dengan orang ituuuu je. Dan ternyata lelaki ini takda. Generally speaking, none of the guys I've known have one. Unless...his manliness is somewhat questionable? Er.
Cuz guys move on. Like they can be friends with anyone. From one human to another, human hopping, as you will. Dan ternyata aku kagum dengan karakter yang Tuhan lahirkan dalam lelaki. Karakter take it easy. Yeah, once I questioned God why did I was born girl?
Lewat perjalanan ke Bloomington, merentasi pemandangan copy paste ladang jagung yang disaluti putih salju dengan suhu below zero Fahrenheit, aku berbincang dengan seorang teman dari Kanada mengenai the future. Larut perbualan berakhir kepada satu konklusi tentang perempuan and our social cycle post marriage. Our best friends will be the wives of our husband's best friends.
So true setelah aku dan dia menganalisa kehidupan ibu masing-masing. Hm. Interesting. Jadi daripada konklusi itu aku ketemukan dua sub-conclusions:
1) Susah nak kekalkan persahabatan dengan rakan-rakan yang ada sekarang. Facebook is a living proof of how friendship is made to be destroyed. I mean, don't you feel that by having your friends there in your list making you actually farther away from him or her? You think they're there and your friendship is safe but because of that security it's actually deceiving you thus you just not contacting for real and just liking and liking for the sake to appear like you're involved with their lives and vice versa okay this is a very long sentence where is the period. there you are
Apsal aku rasa point aku takda kaitan dengan elaboration nih?
2) Pilih suami yang in your preferred social circle. Well marriage is not between one soul and another. You gonna get married with a whole package of new society. His family, his friends, his colleagues, his family friends, his friends of friends, he himself woah that's a handful there. I think it is well learned that if the society finds it incompatible for a couple to be together, chances are, divorce is just right around the corner. Imagine the pressure of your unblessed marriage from your mother-in-law, the shut out friendship from best buds...that social pressure. Gonna lead to something in that marriage aren't they. Plus you cannot fake yourself in your entire marriage years. Even if his social circle loves you but you don't, it's not going to make it through still.
So yeah. Kuot mamat zaman kesultanan Melaka ni agak awesome. Aku fokus kembali kepada jalan, roundabout di hadapan. Dia masuk topik lain pulak. Masih tak berubah, bising.
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