Thursday, 12 March 2015


"A, kau dah berubah."

Aku reflex. Eh, okay, betul aku dah berubah. But what's wrong with that? Am I not being better than who I was before? Aku kaget. Risau kalau dikata perangai makin buruk. Of course, humans like to be perceived as nice in the core. And I am human.

"Aah. Kenapa kalau aku berubah?"

"Takde pape. Saje. Semua orang berubah. Aku berubah, kau berubah..." Dan aku tak pasti, jawapan dia sebab dia dapat kesan aku dah bersedia nak back up diri aku atau memang itu jawapan tulus ikhlas dari hati. Tapi memang aku dah berubah pun. Dia pun sama. Aihh. Rumah pegawai kerajaan tu banyak sangat kenangan. Kenangan yang takda kaitan dengan tuan rumah tu sendiri huhu.



Yes, I've changed. Not sure being better or not. What I know is I am satisfied with myself now alhamdulillah. There are still rooms for improvement, but still, I deserve an acknowledgement. That I've gone this far alive, braver, bolder. Ain't no one can kid me around no more. 

There's a saying that goes "A diamond is a chunk of coal that is made good under pressure.”
-Henry Kissinger

Diamond. How to be one?

Don't let anyone impede you from changing. Sebab hakikatnya, semua orang nak berubah jadi yang lebih baik. Sejahat-jahat pembunuh 100 orang tu pun, dia masih ada kebaikan dalam hati untuk bertaubat dan berubah (walaupun tak sempat...but Allah is so Merciful that He gave him Rahmah, subhanallah). Mungkin counterargumentnya di sini adalah yes, kadang-kadang ada yang berubah jadi makin teruk. Well sis, that's a stage and usually bad change doesn't last long. Cuz humans, at core, still want goodness. 

Let people say you're selfish if you're doing things that benefit you and those things, if you settle 'em, would benefit those people back when they are solved. Selesaikanlah urusan sendiri dulu. Urusan peribadi yang membantu lonjakan paradigma tu. Bila dah selesai, barulah fokus kat urusan-urusan picisan sayur sampingan ( writing this is my ultimate task right now...but somehow, yes. I need an outlet so here it goes...). Jangan nak menyibuk urusan orang lain, dan paling penting, don't ever let other people messing up with your flow. Don't ever give it a chance. Be sturdy in your path. After all, if you screw up, who shall be with you, cleaning up your mess? Hakikatnya, at one point, semua orang pentingkan diri. So don't fall to deep in trying to be nice with everyone. Be nice, but always be aware. Tuhan sendiri berfirman, jangan sampai kita menzalimi diri.

Pernah aku terbaca, di wallpost seseorang...paraphrasing..."kalau kau tak ada dalam hidup aku waktu aku susah, jangan harap aku nak kau ada waktu aku senang." Pergh tajam bhai. Tapi memang betul. Dah takda dalam hidup waktu susah, itu kira macam boleh diterima lagi la. Ini, dahla takde...pastu waktu ade, lagi menambah susah. Siapa suka? Would you like that to happen to you hm?


Be strong. Be a man.
Arus menyesatkan sangat kuat. Kalau bukan a skillful swimmer, even if you're tough, then...just don't swim. Pohon kepada Tuhan selalu. God, fire me up, fire me up well!

Don't be afraid or worried of eliminating "junkies" and "useless ornaments" in your life.
 Junkies: People who not only cease to contribute to the betterment of your life, but also add problemS. 
 Useless ornaments: Passersby in your life. Just there for the sake of "there". Saying I love you when they don't really mean it, just for the sake of being polite (on the side note: seriously, just say the truth or say nothing. Speech is silver but silence is gold). No need to carry them with you since they are of no purpose, just adding to the weight, hence, slowing you down.

Don't be afraid. Because you are not programmed to rely on people, but onto your Creator. Cuz sometimes relying too much (or even, in deserted cases, not even much but at a minimal amount) on some people, will just result in dismay, betrayal and disappointment. Keep your heart strong cuz you don't need no one except for Allah and Allah alone. Back to the main point,...cuz it's your life and who are they to interfere? Go away trespasser! 

Lastly, have good thoughts about Allah, always.
Yes, sometimes the difficulties that befallen us is a form of kifarah. Sometimes that might not be the case. Sometimes Allah wants to give you reasons to go to heaven. After all, didn't you ask to enter jannah when you recite the famous rabbana atina fiddunya du'a? Then you should be prepared to receive all kinds of challenges in life. No complains. Shut up and get your shit done.

Dalam satu sirah nubuwwah, saat kematian anakanda Rasulullah s.a.w., Ibrahim, Rasulullah menangis. Para sahabat terkezut tengok baginda menangis. Sebab para sahabat saat itu dah embedded dalam otak mereka yang Rasulullah ni superhuman. Tapi Rasulullah tetap manusia macam kita; ada perasaan. Sahabat yang terkejot tu tanyalah, ya Rasulullah, apakah baginda menangis? Rasulullah pun jawab lebih kurang macam ini...yang hatinya meratap sedih tapi mulut dan anggotanya hanya bertindak untuk perkara yang Allah approve. Maksudnya tak meratap atau tak mengutuk-ngutuk takdir. Kalau ada baca cerita-cerita sirah, kan Rasulullah banyak jumpa perempuan-perempuan meratap atas kematian. Ada hadis untuk ini, boleh cari sendiri. Jadi Rasulullah bukan macam tu. Ya, sedih. Bengkek kot anak bayi lagi....waktu-waktu tengah comel...meninggal. Sapa tak sedih. Tapi Rasulullah macho je control. Jadi kita pun sepatutnya macam tu. Kontrol aksi-aksi kita sewaktu menerima musibah. Walau sekecil mana, jangan banyak ngomel.

Aku akui aku banyak kali je fail. Tapi janganlah jadikan satu failure tu like the end of everything. Get your ass back together and melangkah lagi mantap ke hadapan. Dalam masa yang sama, bersangka baik dengan Tuhan. Tuhan turunkan ujian bukan sebab kau ni teruk tak guna, pendosa through and through tak layak masuk syurga gi terus masuk neraka meh ditambah lagi ujian semoga sengsara lagi di dunia muahaha...tak (dan yes, trials are also a form of kifarah but my focus here is to see trials from an optimist's viewpoint...neva think that Allah's Love is limited!), Tuhan turunkan ujian itu khas dan khas only for you. Sebab Tuhan nak jumpa kau. Dan mana lagi tempat bertemu Tuhan, one-on-one, kalau bukan di syurga?

Ya habibi,

Tabahkan hati.

Oh ye, kebelakangan ni aku banyak menggunakan perkataan-perkataan sumpah (read: swear words) dalam tulisan aku. Kadang-kadang kalau sembang dengan very very very good friends pun keluar jugak haha. Shoot. Anyways. It's a part of my change. I see those words as words of truth. I used to despise them. But now, am a fan. Bear with me. I only use them when in need to convey something I strongly feel about.

Dan ya habibi,

tabahkan hati. 

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