Wednesday 5 June 2013

so am I entering adulthood?


Once, you did something wrong and you just know that it was wrong, from the Eye of God, out of your dignity and devotion.

But because you are living in the sea of temptations, along with other people who are also the victims of the current situation, the faulty mistake that you've done somehow has been diminished. And you're troubled, perplexed, ...ain't you suppose to be mad at?ain't you worth any yelling or punishment?

true, this life is not all about fear. it's also about hope.

thus, was the escapism that I've received is a part of hope?

but hope is supposed to be given, not earned.

Do You, oh my Lord, are giving me Hope?

If true, then your Compassion is beyond the level that I used to put. Your Compassion is beyond infinite.

oh Lord I would like to thank You for allowing me to commit sins. Hence I shall return to You always, but Lord, what if I don't have the chance to repent and You call me right after the sin is committed?

oh Lord, the one and only Allah, strengthen my faith and please shower my heart with the sincerity of the Muqarrabin, sincerity to obey You, sincerity to worship You.

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