Friday 13 May 2016

Yet another rant on this.

Mula-mula dulu memang aku cemburu. OK, dengki.

Tapi lama-lama, tengok orang newlyweds ni post things and pics about their new marriage, just seems so...kesian.

Masih OK kalau kau post nak umumkan "aku nak nikah ni [gambar sign surat nikah]" atau post gambar dengan isteri/suami on the wedding date.

Tapi ni kalau dah berminggu berlalu, cerita kau kahwin dengan dia dah masuk arkib bhai...dah basi. Tak payahla hangatkan balik wall kau dan mencacatkan news feed aku dengan posts sebegitu.

Aku lagi SUKA kau post pasal dilema kau nak sambung PhD di Frankfurt atau California, mengenai next backpacking trip either ke Australia atau Korea. Nak beli Toyota atau Honda. Nak beli rumah kondo atau townhouse. Gambar kau baru dapat henpon baru, post mengenai kejayaan kau grad, post gambar kerja di syarikat paling tersohor di Malaysia.

Ini...gambar dengan isteri/suami kau? Itu je pencapaian kau? Kesian...only when you're married that you feel you achieved something. Or...finally achieved something in life.

C'mon bro, The Fat Duck dah pindah Australia dah, Luke Nguyen dah travel entah ke mana. Janet Hsieh tak kecoh langsung dapat suami hensem gila. Oh talk about her. I am amazed by her love story. Dia pernah hampir nak kahwin pada umur 26 tahun but shoot happened. She did not get married until she's 36. Wedding dia grand, akad dibuat di benua Antartik. Suami dia...every girl's dream. Imagine that 10 years she's been quite solo, I bet her heart did ache sometimes. Sometimes, when watching her friends getting married, she needs to be happy, right? Tapi dia sabar dan in the end, a perfect marriage. She has it all.


Just use your social media platform wisely. If you're really happy with your life then why bother showing it to everyone? Are you wishing to convince yourself that you're happy? Kenapa tak senyum depan cermin je? Lagi murah. Ini tak, kena guna that kilobyte, megabyte you paid just to reconvince yourself that you're in an earthly heaven. Are you actually okay in the head?



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